

Avocado, Olive Oil and Banana Homemade Face Mask for Dry Skin

Avocado, Olive Oil and Banana Homemade Face Mask Recipe Scrape the flesh of ½ avocation from its’ peel and remain into a small bowl. Cut a...

Honey and Cinnamon Homemade Facial Mask for Breakout Treatment

My best friend used to struggle with breakouts, redness, irritations or greasy feeling. Then, an idea popped out to mix some ingredients for her...

4 Tips to Have A Flawless Skin Without Makeup

A flawless, radiant skin is something most of girls truly yearn for and that’s not infeasible. I’m not talking about how incredibly the expensive...

Homemade Green Tea Face Mask for Sensitive Acne-Prone Skin

I want this precious time to bring special care to our girls who have been struggling with breakouts on their sensitive skin. I’m really...